This is us: a cross-section of life in Massachusetts, from city cheesemakers to mountain-top cheesemakers, from toddlers to college-kids to grandparents who love cheese. From savvy business people who help us survive and thrive to those of us who love to feed great cheese to our friends.

We’re seeking new members for our Board of Directors!

Board members serve in a variety of positions and roles, and all as ambassadors for the Guild.

Responsibilities include attending 4 meetings per year (virtual participation is an option), participating and promoting the annual cheese festival, joining subcommittees based on interest/availability, and making decisions, delegating work, and assuring decisions are carried out in the manner intended to support the goals and objectives of the Guild. 

If you have any questions, or if you’re interested in joining the board, send a note detailing your interest and relevant background or resume to

The Massachusetts Cheese Guild, Inc. is a Massachusetts not-for-profit corporation (501(c)(6)) with this mission:

  • Advance the production, image, and enjoyment of premier cheeses from Massachusetts;

  • Encourage and support the production of artisan and farmstead cheese, including cultured dairy products such as yogurt, made from Massachusetts milk or curd by Massachusetts cheese makers;

  • Educate the public and those in the cheese business about Massachusetts cheeses.

Our Officers & Directors:

  • Katie Quinn President, Mullahy’s Cheese Shop, Hudson, MA

  • Amye Gulezian Vice President, High Lawn Farm, Lee, MA

  • Rachel Pomeroy – Treasurer, Pomeroy Dairy, Westfield, MA

  • Terri Lawton - Clerk, Oake Knoll Farms, Foxboro, MA

  • Allie Catlin, Smith’s Country Cheese, Winchenden, MA

  • James Reinhold, My Artisanal Cheese Shop, Foxboro, MA

  • Liz Mulholland, Valley View Farm, Topsfield, MA

  • Marlo Stein, Roundtable Farm, Hardwick, MA

  • Robert Aguilera, Cheese Enthusiast

  • Ana Gallagher, Cheese Enthusiast